Benefits of the new Pipehire + Checkr Integration + Promo Code + Resources

Sign in, launch the background check, and leave the rest to Checkr!

 min. read
January 27, 2023

As a cleaning or home service business, you are responsible for ensuring that your customers are safe and secure.

With the integration between Pipehire and Checkr, you can easily save time and money conducting background checks for your employees.

Checkr's simple and affordable platform allows you to initiate a background check in minutes.

Benefits of Pipehire + Checkr Integration

Background checks are essential for cleaning and home service businesses to ensure that they are bringing quality employees on-board.

Employers have the ability to customize their background check selection, as there is a variety of packages available depending on the job requirement and the information desired to make an informed hiring decision.

Advanced screenings can help employers examine a more comprehensive range of data when recruiting professionals in the cleaning and home service industries, enabling businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their potential workforce.

• Background check invitation links

• Full background check report results

• Adverse Action initiation and processing tools

• Checkr settings

• New and existing user management

• Billing information

• Email notification preferences

Pipehire newsletter subscribe for practical tips on hiring employees

Sign in, launch the background check, and leave the rest to Pipehire + Checkr!

Add to that the affordable pricing structure, and you have a recipe for effective and efficient background screening.

Give yourself peace of mind by knowing you can trust your cleaning staff and home service personnel with Pipehire + Checkr’s  accurate background checks.

Below you will find a promo code that PipeHireHRM is free to share with all new customers choosing to sign-up for Checkr via our integration.

Users should enter this promo code during the OAuth Sign-Up flow within Pipehire, allowing all new Checkr customers to receive their first background check for free or have $50 taken off the final cost.

Please note this is not applicable for any customers signing in to Checkr via the integration, only customers signing up.

  • Promo Code: PIPEHIRE50
  • Amount: $50


  1. PipeHireHRM / Checkr Integration User Guide
  2. Background check basics
  3. Background check services for small businesses
  4. Upgrade your hiring workflow
  5. Pricing plans and add ons


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