
Optimized for small businesses, streamline your hiring with tools for job postings, tracking applicants, scheduling interviews and running background checks.
1-10 Active Employees
1 Active Job Offers
Up to 1 user
Email Support
Boost your growing company's hiring with a platform that offers efficient automation, seamless management, and smart analytics for informed decisions.
11-20 Active Employees
3 Active Job Offers
Up to 3 users
Email + Chat Support
Streamline large-scale hiring with our ATS, customizable pages, and advanced reporting, ensuring efficiency and top talent attraction for larger organizations.
21-50 Active Employees
5 Active Job Offers
Up to 5 users
Priority Phone Support + Migration Assistance
Optimize staff management with our platform's precise employee tracking. Expand effortlessly with our ATS, enhancing efficiency and attracting the right talent.
51-200 Active Employees
Unlimited Job Offers
Unlimited Users
Priority Phone Support + Migration Assistance
Active Employees
tooltip icon
An Active Employee is a person that's currently employed by the company in which tracking and storing information is valuable for the company, and also receives birthdays, anniversaries, expired documents, compliments, complaints notifications via email and SMS.
1- 10
Active Job Offers
tooltip icon
The total number of active job offers you're currently receiving applicants.
Account Users
tooltip icon
The maximum number of users authorized to access the account.
*More than 50 employees? Check out our add-ons at the bottom
Optimized for small businesses, streamline your hiring with tools for job postings, tracking applicants, scheduling interviews and running background checks.
1-10 Active Employees
1 Active Job Offers
Up to 1 user
Email Support
Boost your growing company's hiring with a platform that offers efficient automation, seamless management, and smart analytics for informed decisions.
11-20 Active Employees
3 Active Job Offers
Up to 3 users
Email + Chat Support
Streamline large-scale hiring with our ATS, customizable pages, and advanced reporting, ensuring efficiency and top talent attraction for larger organizations.
21-50 Active Employees
5 Active Job Offers
Up to 5 users
Priority Phone Support + Migration Assistance
Optimize staff management with our platform's precise employee tracking. Expand effortlessly with our ATS, enhancing efficiency and attracting the right talent.
51-250 Active Employees
Unlimited Job Offers
Unlimited Users
Priority Phone Support + Migration Assistance
Active Employees
tooltip icon
An Active Employee is a person that's currently employed by the company in which tracking and storing information is valuable for the company, and also receives birthdays, anniversaries, expired documents, compliments, complaints notifications via email and SMS.
1 - 10
Active Job Offers
tooltip icon
The total number of active job offers you're currently receiving applicants.
*More than 50 employees? Check out our add-ons at the bottom
Full Feature Comparison
This is some text inside of a div block this is some text inside of a div block this is some text inside of a div block.
Plans Comparison
This is some text inside of a div block this is some text inside of a div block this is some text inside of a div block.
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The core of our software helps you manage the recruiting, job posting, and the whole hiring process in one system.
Applicant tracking system (ATS)
tooltip icon
Talent acquisition funnels
tooltip icon
Job application tracker
tooltip icon
Job application templates
tooltip icon
Create custom jobs forms
tooltip icon
Bilingual job forms (ENG-SPA-PORTUGUESE)
tooltip icon
Job offers AI writing assistant
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Automated applicant screening and scoring
tooltip icon
Color-coded talent discovery
tooltip icon
Run background checks/motor vehicle reports
tooltip icon
Automated candidate interviews with Calendly
tooltip icon
Invite candidates to interviews via email/sms
tooltip icon
Pre-built templates to communicate with
candidates as they move to hire
New with 3.0
Job Marketing
tooltip icon
Organic distribution to Google Jobs, ZipRecruiter
with one-click
tooltip icon
Publish to 100+ multiple job boards with
our job ad exchange
Coming Soon
tooltip icon
Pipehire Job Board featured listing
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Promote job offers to Face Book groups
in your city
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Branded SEO optimized career jobs portal
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Onboarding / Offboarding checklists
tooltip icon
Create custom applicants onboarding
messaging workflows
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Complete and Verify Form I-9 electronically
Coming Soon
Employee Management
tooltip icon
HR Company dashboard
tooltip icon
Track company insurance expirations
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Employee birthdays and anniversaries reminders
tooltip icon
Track absences, vacations, leave and PTO
tooltip icon
Track benefits, trainings and 1-1 meetings
tooltip icon
Employee driver’s license and car insurance expiration
tooltip icon
Applicant data demographics and sources
tooltip icon
Customize employee's vacation, time-off, PTO
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Customize employment eligibility days to
activate benefits
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Employee HR management portal
Coming Soon
tooltip icon
Employee leaderboard
tooltip icon
Track and manage complaints and compliments
tooltip icon
Unresolved complaints reminders
tooltip icon
Send Email/SMS within the Funnel Stage)
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Personalize notifications for precision-
targeted communication
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Instant notifications via email/SMS for new applicant alerts
tooltip icon
Employee complaints / compliment SMS notifications
tooltip icon
Send custom SMS to employees on their bdays/anniversaries
tooltip icon
Send SMS alerts to employees for docs due to expire soon
tooltip icon
Incomplete job application email/SMS reminder
tooltip icon
Mobile browser version admin users
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
Account users
tooltip icon
File Manager / Cloud storage
tooltip icon
Email / chat support
tooltip icon
Migration assistance
tooltip icon
Priority phone support
Extra Resources Included
tooltip icon
Pipehire Academy Access
New with 3.0
Add ons
tooltip icon
20 Active Employees Package: $50/mo
tooltip icon
3 More Job Offers: $75/mo
1. Hiring
Applicant tracking system (ATS)
tooltip icon
Talent acquisition funnels
Job application tracker
Job application templates
Create custom jobs forms
Bilingual job forms (ENG-SPA)
Job offers AI writing assistant
New with 3.0
2. Screening
Automated applicant screening and scoring
Color-coded talent discovery
Run background checks/motor vehicle reports (Get first background check free, save $50)
3. Interviewing
Automated candidate interviews with Calendly
Invite candidates to interviews via email/sms
Pre-built templates to communicate with candidates as they move to hire
New with 3.0
4. Job Marketing
Organic distribution to Google Jobs, ZR with one-click
Publish to 100+ multiple job boards with our job ad exchange
New with 3.0
Pipehire Job Board featured listing
New with 3.0
Promote job offers to FB groups in your city
New with 3.0
Branded SEO optimized career jobs portal
New with 3.0
5. Onboarding
Onboarding / Offboarding checklists
Create custom applicants onboarding messaging workflows
New with 3.0
Complete and Verify Form I-9 electronically
New with 3.0
6. Employee Management
HR Company dashboard
Track company insurance expirations
Employee birthdays and anniversaries reminders
Track absences, vacations, leave and PTO
Track benefits, trainings and 1-1 meetings
Employee driver’s license and car insurance expiration reminders
Applicant data demographics and sources
Customize employee's vacation, time-off, PTO
New with 3.0
Customize employment eligibility days to activate benefits
New with 3.0
Employee HR management portal
New with 3.0
7. Performance
Employee leaderboard
Track and manage complaints and compliments
Unresolved complaints reminders
8. Communications
Send Email/SMS within the Funnel Stage)
New with 3.0
Personalize notifications for precision-targeted communication
New with 3.0
Instant notifications via email/SMS for new applicant alerts
Employee complaints / compliment SMS notifications
Send custom SMS to employees on their birthdays/anniversaries
Send SMS alerts to employees for documents due to expire soon
Incomplete job application email/SMS reminder
9. Team
Mobile browser version admin users
New with 3.0
Account users
File Manager / Cloud storage
10. Support
Email / chat support
Migration assistance
Phone / Zoom calls
CEO consulting calls
11. Extra Resources Included
Pipehire Academy Access
New with 3.0
The Ultimate HR zip file download
12. Add ons
20 Active Employees Package: $50/mo
3 More Job Offers: $75/mo
1. Hiring
Applicant tracking system (ATS)
Talent acquisition funnels
Job application tracker
Job application templates
Create custom jobs forms
Bilingual job forms (ENG-SPA)
Job offers AI writing assistant
New with 3.0
2. Screening
Automated applicant screening and scoring
Color-coded talent discovery
Run background checks/motor vehicle reports (Get first background check free, save $50)
3. Interviewing
Automated candidate interviews with Calendly
Invite candidates to interviews via email/sms
Pre-built templates to communicate with candidates as they move to hire
New with 3.0
4. Job Marketing
Organic distribution to Google Jobs, ZR with one-click
Publish to 100+ multiple job boards with our job ad exchange
New with 3.0
Pipehire Job Board featured listing
New with 3.0
Promote job offers to FB groups in your city
New with 3.0
Branded SEO optimized career jobs portal
New with 3.0
5. Onboarding
Onboarding / Offboarding checklists
Create custom applicants onboarding messaging workflows
New with 3.0
Complete and Verify Form I-9 electronically
New with 3.0
6. Employee Management
HR Company dashboard
Track company insurance expirations
Employee birthdays and anniversaries reminders
Track absences, vacations, leave and PTO
Track benefits, trainings and 1-1 meetings
Employee driver’s license and car insurance expiration reminders
Applicant data demographics and sources
Customize employee's vacation, time-off, PTO
New with 3.0
Customize employment eligibility days to activate benefits
New with 3.0
Employee HR management portal
New with 3.0
7. Performance
Employee leaderboard
Track and manage complaints and compliments
Unresolved complaints reminders
8. Communications
Send Email/SMS within the Funnel Stage)
New with 3.0
Personalize notifications for precision-targeted communication
New with 3.0
Instant notifications via email/SMS for new applicant alerts
Employee complaints / compliment SMS notifications
Send custom SMS to employees on their birthdays/anniversaries
Send SMS alerts to employees for documents due to expire soon
Incomplete job application email/SMS reminder
9. Team
Mobile browser version admin users
New with 3.0
Account users
File Manager / Cloud storage
10. Support
Email / chat support
tooltip icon
Migration assistance
tooltip icon
Phone / Zoom calls
tooltip icon
CEO consulting calls
tooltip icon
11. Extra Resources Included
Pipehire Academy Access
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
The Ultimate HR zip file download
tooltip icon
12. Add ons
20 Active Employees Package: $50/mo
tooltip icon
3 More Job Offers: $75/mo
tooltip icon
1. Hiring
Applicant tracking system (ATS)
tooltip icon
The core of our software helps you manage the recruiting, job posting, and the whole hiring process in one system.
Talent acquisition funnels
tooltip icon
Job application tracker
tooltip icon
Job application templates
tooltip icon
Create custom jobs forms
tooltip icon
Bilingual job forms (ENG-SPA)
tooltip icon
Job offers AI writing assistant
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
2. Screening
Automated applicant screening and scoring
tooltip icon
Color-coded talent discovery
tooltip icon
Run background checks/motor vehicle reports (Get first background check free, save $50)
tooltip icon
3. Interviewing
Automated candidate interviews with Calendly
tooltip icon
Invite candidates to interviews via email/sms
tooltip icon
Pre-built templates to communicate with candidates as they move to hire
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
4. Job Marketing
Organic distribution to Google Jobs, ZR with one-click
tooltip icon
Publish to 100+ multiple job boards with our job ad exchange
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Pipehire Job Board featured listing
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Promote job offers to FB groups in your city
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Branded SEO optimized career jobs portal
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
5. Onboarding
Onboarding / Offboarding checklists
tooltip icon
Create custom applicants onboarding messaging workflows
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Complete and Verify Form I-9 electronically
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
6. Employee Management
HR Company dashboard
tooltip icon
Track company insurance expirations
tooltip icon
Employee birthdays and anniversaries reminders
tooltip icon
Track absences, vacations, leave and PTO
tooltip icon
Track benefits, trainings and 1-1 meetings
tooltip icon
Employee driver’s license and car insurance expiration reminders
tooltip icon
Applicant data demographics and sources
tooltip icon
Customize employee's vacation, time-off, PTO
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Customize employment eligibility days to activate benefits
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Employee HR management portal
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
7. Performance
Employee leaderboard
tooltip icon
Track and manage complaints and compliments
tooltip icon
Unresolved complaints reminders
tooltip icon
8. Communications
Send Email/SMS within the Funnel Stage)
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Personalize notifications for precision-targeted communication
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Instant notifications via email/SMS for new applicant alerts
tooltip icon
Employee complaints / compliment SMS notifications
tooltip icon
Send custom SMS to employees on their birthdays/anniversaries
tooltip icon
Send SMS alerts to employees for documents due to expire soon
tooltip icon
Incomplete job application email/SMS reminder
tooltip icon
9. Team
Mobile browser version admin users
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Account users
tooltip icon
File Manager / Cloud storage
tooltip icon
10. Support
Email / chat support
tooltip icon
Migration assistance
tooltip icon
Phone / Zoom calls
tooltip icon
CEO consulting calls
tooltip icon
11. Extra Resources Included
Pipehire Academy Access
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
The Ultimate HR zip file download
tooltip icon
12. Add ons
20 Active Employees Package: $50/mo
tooltip icon
3 More Job Offers: $75/mo
tooltip icon
1. Hiring
Applicant tracking system (ATS)
tooltip icon
The core of our software helps you manage the recruiting, job posting, and the whole hiring process in one system.
Talent acquisition funnels
tooltip icon
Job application tracker
tooltip icon
Job application templates
tooltip icon
Create custom jobs forms
tooltip icon
Bilingual job forms (ENG-SPA)
tooltip icon
Job offers AI writing assistant
New with 3.0
tooltip icon
2. Screening
Automated applicant screening and scoring
tooltip icon
Color-coded talent discovery
tooltip icon
Run background checks/motor vehicle reports (Get first background check free, save $50)
tooltip icon
3. Interviewing
Automated candidate interviews with Calendly
tooltip icon
Invite candidates to interviews via email/sms
tooltip icon
Pre-built templates to communicate with candidates as they move to hire
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
4. Job Marketing
Organic distribution to Google Jobs, ZR with one-click
tooltip icon
Publish to 100+ multiple job boards with our job ad exchange
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Pipehire Job Board featured listing
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Promote job offers to FB groups in your city
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Branded SEO optimized career jobs portal
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
5. Onboarding
Onboarding / Offboarding checklists
tooltip icon
Create custom applicants onboarding messaging workflows
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Complete and Verify Form I-9 electronically
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
6. Employee Management
HR Company dashboard
tooltip icon
Track company insurance expirations
tooltip icon
Employee birthdays and anniversaries reminders
tooltip icon
Track absences, vacations, leave and PTO
tooltip icon
Track benefits, trainings and 1-1 meetings
tooltip icon
Employee driver’s license and car insurance expiration reminders
tooltip icon
Applicant data demographics and sources
tooltip icon
Customize employee's vacation, time-off, PTO
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Customize employment eligibility days to activate benefits
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Employee HR management portal
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
7. Performance
Employee leaderboard
tooltip icon
Track and manage complaints and compliments
tooltip icon
Unresolved complaints reminders
tooltip icon
8. Communications
Send Email/SMS within the Funnel Stage)
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Personalize notifications for precision-targeted communication
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Instant notifications via email/SMS for new applicant alerts
tooltip icon
Employee complaints / compliment SMS notifications
tooltip icon
Send custom SMS to employees on their birthdays/anniversaries
tooltip icon
Send SMS alerts to employees for documents due to expire soon
tooltip icon
Incomplete job application email/SMS reminder
tooltip icon
9. Team
Mobile browser version admin users
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
Account users
tooltip icon
File Manager / Cloud storage
tooltip icon
10. Support
Email / chat support
tooltip icon
Migration assistance
tooltip icon
Phone / Zoom calls
tooltip icon
CEO consulting calls
tooltip icon
11. Extra Resources Included
Pipehire Academy Access
tooltip icon
New with 3.0
The Ultimate HR zip file download
tooltip icon
12. Add ons
20 Active Employees Package: $50/mo
tooltip icon
3 More Job Offers: $75/mo
tooltip icon