👍 Hiring cleaning employees like modern companies do. The Pipehire way.

Our time is limited, running a business is hard work it needs full concentration and attention.Setting up unattended processes is vital to operate efficiently.Pipehire has been developing a hiring method to help business owners step up the game.

 min. read
January 4, 2022

Our time is limited, running a business is hard work it needs full concentration and attention.

Setting up unattended processes is vital to operate efficiently.

Pipehire has been developing a hiring method to help business owners step up the game.

We welcome you to The Best possible score and A, B, C players method.

Best possible score form

Let's start in the Funnel which received a full overhaul to make  our hiring process more effective. At the top of the funnel you can see a number which is the "Best Possible Score" for this job opening.

The purpose of the score and the colors are to help you identify the most qualified applicants.

Now you can have a clear apples to apples comparison of all your applicants in one single screen and from any source.

We build this feature so you can save time and identify the A players quickly and move on to the interview process.

Within the new funnel you will also find applicants highlighted in green and with a “recommended badge” these are the most qualified applicants using our recommendation engine technology that we started building during winter.

These candidates will be your best return on investment. We recommend you start with them before someone else hires them.

A, B, C players

Next to the "Best Possible Score Form", you will see three colored boxes with the letters A, B, and C, those are the three possible categories that the applicants can be classified based on the score obtained in their application. 

This traffic light color can help us to visualize the score obtained by each applicant. 

The green color means the applicant has obtained 80% to 100% of the possible points in the application form.

We refer to them as 'A-Players'. You should focus on proceeding quickly to interview and ideally hire these applicants before somebody else hires them.


The yellow color means these applicants have obtained between 50% to 79% of the possible points of the job application.

We refer to them as 'B-Players'. Proceed with caution since these applicants don't meet all the requirements of the position. If you like someone in particular call and ask more questions to see if they turn to a green color. 

The red color means the applicant has obtained less than 50% of the possible points of the job application.

We refer to them as 'C-Players' you should definitely not proceed since they are incomplete applications and/or don't have the bare minimum requirements of the position. You can archive these applicants if you like.


🤔 Questions on managing cleaning employees?

Email us at support@pipehirehrm.com or visit us at Pipehire to learn how to better manage all your cleaning employees with our hiring software.


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