👀 How to identify A, B, C players during the interview process?

Finding the best candidates for your cleaning business doesn't have to be complicated, look for people who call and apply quickly.

 min. read
November 24, 2020

Finding the A-Players for you cleaning business doesn't have to be hard. Here's some traits we look for:

  • They're looking for the best job opportunity
  • They call and apply within the same day, call them back asap
  • They fill all the questions to application
  • Prior jobs experience is fully completed
  • You can call those past managers
  • They show up on time to the interviews on time
  • They have a strong word and are committed
  • Their NO is NO and their YES is a YES
  • They show integrity
  • And they ask questions about the company and what's in it for them

Simple right? Yes now go and get them!

🤔 Questions on managing cleaning employees?

Email us at support@pipehirehrm.com or visit us at Pipehire to learn how to better manage all your cleaning employees with our hiring software.