Three low Hanging Fruits to Make in Your Cleaning Business Hiring Process

Today, many of our customers' main pain points are: how do I find qualified job applicants? The answer is simple, but at the same time, it's complex. Keep reading to learn more.

 min. read
November 15, 2023

Key Take Aways:

• Avoid using Indeed Apply and redirect applicants to your landing page or jobs page with a more complex application process.

This helps filter out low-quality applicants who apply quickly and easily.

• Capture more applicants' data using your job application form, including their email, phone number, background information, and legal status. This allows you to build a database of applicants for future hiring needs.

• Score each application by creating a unique job application with scoring questions. This helps quickly identify qualified candidates and saves time in the hiring process.

Video Transcript

Today, many of our customers' main pain points are: how do I find qualified job applicants? The answer is simple, but at the same time, it's complex.

And the first thing I'm going to give you is three essential things you want to ensure you're doing to increase the quality of applicants.

Increasing quantity is different, but we're looking for quality in your home cleaning businesses.

First, you want to ensure you're not taking the application on Indeed Apply. You could have Indeed as a traffic source, but you want to use something other than Indeed Apply per se.

This is because Indeed Apply is a rapid way for applicants to complete an application. Therefore, it makes it so easy that anybody can apply quickly, increasing the likelihood of having just average and low-quality applicants.

You want to redirect them to your own landing page or jobs page, where you'll have a more challenging, complex job application to make them think through the process.

So when they do it very easily and quickly, it just takes them a few seconds to apply because the PDF and resume are already in the system.

And that causes a problem. And because we cannot hire based on resumes, we need to ask more questions. And that's the first thing you want to redirect them out of Indeed.

And then, you want to make them apply to your jobs page, where you have your unique job application form.  

Second thing, when you redirect them out of Indeed to your job form, at that point, you can capture more data, more data as far as the actual email, phone number, background information, where they live, age, are legally in the States, do they have driver's license? What is the number?

All of that data is fundamental because as you want to grow and scale your company and your cleaning business, you want to have a database of applicants to continue reaching out whenever you need to hire people.

In contrast, when you are just using Indeed Apply, you need to be shown the complete information of the applicants. So every time you need to hire new people, you must pay again to get applicants.

So my recommendation is that when you take them out of Indeed, you capture the data in your form, helping you build your database of applicants; that will help you increase the chances of having a pool of applicants ready to go whenever you need.

Also, suppose you don't hire them at that very moment. In that case, you will still have their name, info, and phone number for text messaging, email marketing, and anything else you want.

You can create groups with them on Facebook or WhatsApp to have this pool of applicants in your city ready for work.

The third tip is that once they apply to your job, you want to ensure that you're scoring all of their application. Most of the time, applications are usually very simple.

Name, email, address, and job positions before this job. And that's pretty straightforward. But when you create a unique job application with scoring, it means that the system will score them for you as they respond to these questions.

That's one of the most significant features we've built in our product in Pipehire, which allows you to score every question. So, for example, if you ask, do you have a car or vehicle for the job? Yes or no? If you answer no, the system will disqualify them. That way, you don't have to look through an application from somebody who is disqualified.

Are you authorized to work in the us? Yes. Okay, cool. They can continue the application process.

Can you go on a ladder 50 feet high in the air, yes or no? What schedule do you have?

Do you want to work nights and days? Part-time, flex time? You can customize the questionnaire in any way you wish to find the person you need.

This is what makes the most sense. It will save you about 80% of the hiring process, and you want to get to the right people as soon as possible.

So, with Pipehire, you can see color-coded applicants in green, yellow, and red, helping you make a quick and informed decision on who you should hire for your next job.

So I'll wrap up with that. Those are the three tips I can give you so you can increase the quality of applicants, and we'll see you on the next one.

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Pipehire helps you hire better.

More reliable employees will make your business thrive.

We use a customizable funnel to filter job applicants with the type of worker you are looking for.

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