Applicant Card Data

The Applicant's Card provides us with an overview of each applicant's history.

What can this feature do?

Who has the time to read and review each applicant's entire history when you're packed with work? And even when you want to say yes to an applicant, having to scroll through their detailed records is a hassle and takes too long.

Use the Applicant Card, the quick summary of each applicant's history. Not only is it easy to review, but saving time helps you get back more time for other essential tasks.

  • Instantly access the information about each applicant.
  • Run background checks.
  • The applicant card provides you with the applicant's source.
  • Make notes about each of the applicants.
  • Understand the status of each applicant.
  • See what qualifications they have and their previous job history.
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Hiring and Recruiting Process
Hiring, Management ,and Retention platform for Home Service Companies.