☝️ Uncovering Common Problems in your Hiring Process and How to Fix Them.

Warning signs when you need to Reengineer your Hiring Process, you manually enter candidates into an spreadsheet.

 min. read
August 3, 2020

Your customers want everything yesterday and your candidates are no different, they want to work for ambitious fast-moving companies, and will put OFF by a dragging recruitment process.

Hiring process in the past:

• Papper application.
• No process - all in your head.
• Slow to reply.
• Weeks to make a decision.
Owner as a Bottleneck.
• Candidates were not picky.
• Management using a whiteboard, paper or spreadsheet.


Now in 2020.

• Online application.
• Process and systems in one place.
• Same day reply - confirmation of receipt.
• Days to make a decision.
• No bottleneck.
• Digital Onboarding (e-signing).
• Candidates (talent) are treated as a customers.
• Management of HR with metrics, performance and notifications.

Warning signs when you need to Reengineer your Hiring Process.


• You manually enter candidates into an spreadsheet.
• You still have to manually screen resumes/applications.
• You can't let other people in your office hire new employees.
• You're taking too long to reply with decision.
• You haven't been able to grow.
• Waste time in processes and workflows.

Let's introduce new terms: ATS + HRM

ATS: Which stands for Applicant Tracking System is designed to Automate, Streamline, and Improve the hiring process.

HRM: Approach to the effective management of people in a company such that they help their business gain a competitive advantage. It is designed to maximize employee performance in service of an employer's strategic objectives.

How's different from a CRM?A CRM is focused on clients, leads, opportunities...and managing the relationship with the client. Important to have too! So a CRM won't do the job if ATS or HRM system.

ATS and HR Software Benefits

Accelerates Time-to-Hire up to 83%
Time-to-Hire: All hours needed to recruit, onboard, resume scanning, interviewing, and coordination of appointments.

• Are you as an owner, wasting time calling, verifying past jobs?
• Are you paying an office assistant to do this screening and calls?
• Let the ATS do it for you. Use that resource in a better way, like building a company culture, increasing retention of employees and clients.

How we spend our day is, of course, how we spend our lives" - Annie Dillard

Reduced Cost-to-Hire
Cost-to-hire: The total amount of money needed to recruit a new employee.

• With many tasks being automated, less human hours need to fill a position, your hiring process is more productive and cost-efficient.
• Faster onboarding = Faster client growth.
• Owners time.
• Managers/Office assistant salary.
• Advertising costs.
• Training/tools/supplies.

With many tasks being automated, less human hours to fill a position, your hiring process is more productive and cost-efficient.

Faster onboarding = Faster client growth.


Increased Quality-of-Hire
Quality of Hire: The total VALUE a new employee brings to a company with their performance.

• Lower Turnover
• Higher retention of satisfied customers
• Better Company reviews/brand recognition
• Quality of life for the owner (my favorite!)

Learn how to Hire and Manage better cleaning employees.
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