😎 The 10 metrics you Need to track & measure to hit $1M Revenue on your house Cleaning Business

The ten metrics to measure the success of a residential business. Include net profit, number of subscribed clients, etc.

 min. read
July 22, 2020


1. Revenue and net profit.

All Sales - all expenses = Net profit (18-20%).

2. Number of subscribed clients.

Number of clients on either, weekly, biweekly or monthly (300 clients/15-18 FT employees get you to $1M.

3. Churn Rate.

Number of churned (canceled) clients / total number of subscribed customer (5% or less).

4. Booked Appointments/Booking Ratio.

Total number of booked appointments / Total of bookings requests.

5. Customer to Subscriber Ratio.

Total subscribed clients / Total of all serviced clients (keep this growing) 8-10%.

6. Leads Conversion Ratio.

25% of phone / 20% online.

7. Revenue by Zip code.

Figure out your top 5 zip codes and grow your ad dollars only there.

8. Number of employees/sales per employee.

$55K-$65K/year for a FT employee.

9. Employee Complaints/Compliments.

Count totals and assign a score to each event and employee.

10. Average Sale Size / Revenue by S/F.


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